
Author: admin-toitangata

Teachers Wiki Burdon and Raiha Johnson joined us to deliver a workshop at the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2021. Together, they deliver He Pī Ka Rere in a kura auraki in Murihiku (Invercargill). Through their collective magic they provide opportunities for tamariki Māori to...

Justin Gush of AKA delivered an interactive workshop that gave us a snapshot of the beautiful mahi he delivers. Based on the teachings of tūpuna from the Whanganui River, AKA is a holistic view of te ao Māori that brings forth the energy to lift...

Lorinda Pereira hosted an amazing workshop which speaks of rangatiratanga and mana motuhake through the practices of her tūpuna and passing on mātauranga. During this workshop she takes us on the navigational journey of the kūmara from its whakapapa origins through to the practical aspects...

Dr Ihirangi Heke and Dr Wayne Ngata joined us as the second keynote kaikōrero for the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2021. Delivered across the country to Kura Kaupapa Māori, Tapuwaekura aims to empower kaiako to gather and repurpose mātauranga Māori in te taiao. “Believe...

What is iron? Iron is an important mineral that makes up the body of Papatūānuku, just as it makes up our tinana as tangata. When we think about iron we think about how to uphold the mana of tangata and of Papatūānuku. Kai, iron & tangata 1. Kai can...

Serves: 4Cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients 2 tsp olive oil8 lamb chops or cutlets300g couscousVegetable stock1 carrot1⁄2 red onion1 handful fresh parsley1 handful fresh corianderZest and juice of 2 lemons50 g toasted seeds or nuts50 g dried fruit either cranberries or raisins130g baby leaf spinach1⁄2 tsp honey4...