
Author: admin-toitangata

The MAS Foundation featured our wonderful, Renei Ngawati, who spearheaded the initiative He Puna Reo Hauora to help bridge the gap between kaimahi hauora and hapori Māori. “Our whānau deserve to have their reo, to be able to speak in te reo and to access hauora-based services (health based...

Exploring how to integrate te reo Māori, pūrākau, and tikanga into a gym environment, Matiu Spring joins our 2024 Growing the Puna internship I te taha o tōku pāpa,Ko Panguru te maunga,Ko Whakarapa te awa,Ko Hokianga nui-a-Kupe te moana,Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka,Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi,Ko Waipuna...