

He karere! 


We aim to share stories that support positive lifestyles, reflects the journey to wellbeing, and connects all communities to kaupapa oranga Māori.


Achieving positive change through mātauranga Māori requires collaboration and encouragement so we want to champion and celebrate our people who are living healthy lifestyles while providing inspiration for those who need support.


If you have kōrero to add, karanga mai! Contact our Communications Manager, Toni Pivac-Hohaia at toni@toitangata.co.nz

In recent years, the resurgence of Kī-o-Rahi has become a symbol of cultural revitalisation and the preservation of mātauranga Māori. Grounded in pūrākau, this traditional kēmu is a living, breathing embodiment of our cultural narratives.  Our Kaimahi, Crystal Pe...

Since Joe McLeod’s arrival in the North at Waikarā marae alongside Toi Tangata in 2022, it had been our mission to see him return to share his knowledge across the wider Tai Tokerau region. For over a year we planned and finally, in March and April of 2024,......

Our journey alongside Kaimoana Queens began in July 2023 as we prepared for the first wānanga at Te Whakamaharatanga Marae, Waimamaku. Led by founders Hayley Taotua and Karis Vesey, a group of wāhine Māori from, or living in, the Hokainga prepared for the wānanga: organising kai,......

The MAS Foundation featured our wonderful, Renei Ngawati, who spearheaded the initiative He Puna Reo Hauora to help bridge the gap between kaimahi hauora and hapori Māori. “Our whānau deserve to have their reo, to be able to speak in te reo and to access hauora-based services (health......

Venturing into the underwater world has always fascinated me. Having been inspired by our wānanga with Kai Moana Queens and their encouragement of getting more wāhine into the moana, learning more about the moana and getting certified to scuba dive was ...

The Mātaiao collective embarked on their first wānanga of the year, anchored by whakawhanaungatanga with kura Māori around Tāmaki Makaurau and integrating a taiao centric way of thinking. This collective expanded after the initial gathering in October 2023 at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te......

Hei āpiti atu ki ngā kaupapa tini e amohia ake ana e te iwi i te nuku roa o te whenua, ko te Whitirau, Nakawhiti rānei ki ētahi, tētahi o ngā tāwara reka o te wā, ā, ko tētahi o ōna peka he arotahi ki......

Ka noho mātāmua te taiao ki a tātou te tangata. Me hoki anō a Ngāi Māori ki tōna anō taiao, ako ai. Anei a Tapuwaekura e hanake nei, kia hikitia, kia hāpaitia ki te pae o whiti. I te 17-19 o Āperira tū ai te......

We wish to welcome Koianake Yates (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Konohi, Te Rarawa) to Toi Tangata. Koianake will be joining our team as Kaiarahi Mātaiao ki Tāmaki (Mātaiao ki Tāmaki Lead Facilitator) while Chrissy is on maternity leave. Haramai rā te toki o Te Kikiri o Te Rangi, e......

The National Science Challenge Healthier Lives campaign hosted a Kōrero Tahi hui on 13-14 February at Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington. Research projects that had been supported by the Healthier Lives research grants presented progress on their research to date.  Toi Tangata, alongside South Wa...

He tōpūtanga a Te Hono o ngā pakihi nō te rāngai kai me te weu o Aotearoa, ngā iwi me ngā māngai kāwanatanga e whai nei kia tū hei tauira mō te ao i te rāngai ahu matua. He tōpūtanga a Te Hono o ngā......

I te 13 o Pēpuere karangatia ai e tētahi kāhui toa taiao he wānanga ki runga o Tāheke Marae, ki ngā pariparinga o Ōkere. Ko tana kaupapa, ko te kāpui i ngā kaikōkiri o ngā take taiao i ngā rāngai rerekē, ōna pānga ture, toi,......

We were thrilled to bring back the Hui ā Tau ā tinana in 2024, marking the first in-person gathering since 2019. This time we ventured to the picturesque Ōtepoti (Dunedin) in Te Waipounamu where we found inspiration at the beautiful Arai te Uru Marae, and......

Coming together with others who have a shared understanding of Te Tiriti and those who are resisting our Government’s oppressive agenda was a significant motivator in heading to Waitangi this year. Listening to mātanga share their experiences – and lay challenges in pursuit of rangatiratang...

At the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2024, we listened to the narratives of Christina Hokianga and Jack Fraser as they shared their experiences with Hīkoi4Life. A week later, our kaimahi Chelsea had the opportunity to be in attendance with Les Hokianga, founder of Hīkoi4Life, as he took......

At the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau in January held in Otepoti, our Kai Māori Kai Ora Kaiārahi, Haylee Koroi, presented the paper ‘Intergenerational Intimacies: A whakapapa conceptualisation of kai’ co-written by her and lead author, Hana Burgess with visual storytelling by Sonya Milford and......

Toi Tangata proudly supported the Waka Ama Nationals 2024 week-long event, January 15 to 16. Waka Ama, also known as outrigger canoeing, holds its sprint competition at Lake Karapiro every year and accommodates all ages from as young as five years old to kaumatua. Partnering...

For our 2023/24 Growing the Puna intake, we welcome two new interns to the Toi Tangata whānau: Erana Barlow (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Hikairo) and Steph Jasperse (Kai Tahu, Waitaha). We look forward to sharing our 10th year of Growing the Puna with Erana and Steph. Erana Barlow Ki te taha o t...