
Hui ā Tau

Both Stacey (Ngāi Tahu, Te Arawa) and Scotty Morrison (Ngāti Whakaue) have dedicated years to the revitalisation of the Māori language. Though both Stacey and Scotty have been strong advocates for te reo Māori on the broadcasting platform, they are also involved in some of...

Dr Cathy Dewes (Te Arawa, Ngāti Porou) joined us as the Kaikōrero Matua for day one of the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2023. She is a leader in Māori education and Māori language revitalisation. A founding member of Te Rōpū Reo Māori (Māori Language...

This panel kōrero brings together Hauiti Hakopa, Wiremu Sarich and Kuini Moehau-Reedy in a discussion about tākaro. They explore the very tūāpapa of tākaro – and how it emerges in te ao mārama. We explore tohu associated with this kaupeka – not only tohu from...