16 Oct Whakapapa of Iron
What is iron?
Iron is an important mineral that makes up the body of Papatūānuku, just as it makes up our tinana as tangata.
When we think about iron we think about how to uphold the mana of tangata and of Papatūānuku.

Kai, iron & tangata
1. Kai can support us to be in good relation with our bodies.
2. In particular, iron, which is found in our kai, helps our bodies energy systems to function well.
3. When iron is consumed via our kai it is absorbed in our small intestine. Iron absorbs even better when we also add kai that is high in vitamin c.
4. Iron helps the body to create red blood cells which transport oxygen to the lungs and then out to the body.
5. Oxygen supports the body to release the energy contained in the kai we consume. This gives us the kaha to play, to do our mahi, to rest and to spend time with our whanau and friends.
6. To ensure that we are in good relation with our bodies, to give mana to our tinana, we need to eat a variety of iron rich kai every day!

Tiaki Tinana: Some guidance
Try to have at least 3 iron-rich sources of food a day.
For example: one palm-sized serving from a meat source ~ meats, fish, seafood and two servings from non-meat sources such as tofu, eggs, kumara, canned tomatoes, courgettes, corn, seeds, nuts, leeks, avocado, broccoli, whole grain cereal

Adding Vitamin C rich foods like kiwifruit, citrus, orange juice, capsicums, tomatoes or kumara to your meal helps the body to absorb iron.

Kai, Iron & Papatuanuku
Kai can support us to be in good relation with Papatūānuku!

Tiaki oneone
The world grows 95% of its food in the uppermost layer of soil, making topsoil one of the most important components of our food system.
Nearly half of the most productive soil on earth has disappeared in the last 150 years.
Without topsoil, the earth’s ability to filter water, absorb carbon, and produce nutrient rich food is compromised.

To find out more about how we can all support can tiaki oneone, check out the pukapuka ‘Te Mahi Oneone Hua Parakore’, or this Jessica Hutchings interview