
Author: admin-toitangata

Te Hā Oranga - in conjunction with Te Hiringa Hauora, Hāpai Te Hauora, the Public Health Association, Te Rau Ora and Toi Tangata -  is excited to present Te Ara Whetū 2022. ‍ ‍Te Ara Whetū 2022 is a national Māori health promotion hui which aims to...

E tū whakaruruhau mō te moko nei. Ko ngā maunga tapu o Mauao, o Maungarake, o Huruiki, Maringi mai ana ko ngā awa o Ruamahanga, o Whakapara, Ko ngā wai pīataata o Tauranga moana.  Te ūnga mai o ngā waka Te Arawa, Tākitimu, Ngātokimatawhaorua, o Tainui. Uri o Te Arawa,...

The Kindness Institute joined us on day one of the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2021 to talk about mauri tau and mindfulness. Their kaupapa aligns to aspects of hauora and provides rangatahi with the opportunity to learn more about themselves. With teachings around how...

Puawai Winterburn Chapman is the personification of BOSSWAHINE. Puawaitanga delivered a workshop for the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2021 that demonstrated how Fit Wahine is a safe and fun environment for wahine to shed their whakama, remove the excuses and barriers, and get moving....

Delivering an interactive workshop and kōrero on Māori play with the desire to retain, reclaim, and restore traditional practices, Nikki Penetito-Hemara shares a workshop that breathes life into the aspirations of Māori play. Nikki speaks of the opportunity to enhance te reo Māori and restore...