20 Dec Te Ara Whetū Conference
Te Hā Oranga – in conjunction with Te Hiringa Hauora, Hāpai Te Hauora, the Public Health Association, Te Rau Ora and Toi Tangata – is excited to present Te Ara Whetū 2022.
Te Ara Whetū 2022 is a national Māori health promotion hui which aims to share cutting edge mātauranga Māori to build capability and capacity in kaupapa Māori hauora services in preparation for the upcoming health reforms.
Te Hā Oranga and its partners extend a warm invitation to the Māori health promotion workforce, in particular on the ground kaimahi who work closely with whānau to join them in Rotorua on 27th-28th o Hānuere 2022.
Te Hā Oranga is the health arm of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua. As the health provider that delivers health and wellbeing services to all whānau within the Ngāti Whātua rohe, they abide by the sacred obligations of kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, and uphold the mana of Ngāti Whātua.
They look forward to bringing the workforce together to connect, share mātauranga, and work towards new kaupapa Māori innovations as we transition into the new Aotearoa health system.
Nau mai, haere mai, whakahonohono mai.
Hīkoia te whetū! Hīkoia te marama!
For more information on Te Ara Whetū 2022, visit www.tearawhetu.co.nz