
Hui ā Tau

Delivering an interactive workshop and kōrero on Māori play with the desire to retain, reclaim, and restore traditional practices, Nikki Penetito-Hemara shares a workshop that breathes life into the aspirations of Māori play. Nikki speaks of the opportunity to enhance te reo Māori and restore...

Teachers Wiki Burdon and Raiha Johnson joined us to deliver a workshop at the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2021. Together, they deliver He Pī Ka Rere in a kura auraki in Murihiku (Invercargill). Through their collective magic they provide opportunities for tamariki Māori to...

Justin Gush of AKA delivered an interactive workshop that gave us a snapshot of the beautiful mahi he delivers. Based on the teachings of tūpuna from the Whanganui River, AKA is a holistic view of te ao Māori that brings forth the energy to lift...

Lorinda Pereira hosted an amazing workshop which speaks of rangatiratanga and mana motuhake through the practices of her tūpuna and passing on mātauranga. During this workshop she takes us on the navigational journey of the kūmara from its whakapapa origins through to the practical aspects...

Dr Ihirangi Heke and Dr Wayne Ngata joined us as the second keynote kaikōrero for the Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2021. Delivered across the country to Kura Kaupapa Māori, Tapuwaekura aims to empower kaiako to gather and repurpose mātauranga Māori in te taiao. “Believe...

Ever wanted to connect at conferences but you didn't get the opportunity to approach people or you didn't know how to go about it? That’s where Toi Tere comes in! Toi Tere is the Toi Tangata take on speed networking that’s highly efficient and gives...

We have a limited number of scholarships available for the conference registration fee. 4 rangatahi scholarships and 3 kaimahi scholarships, sponsored by the Health Promotion Agency. Criteria:1. Actively working or studying kai, wai, kori tinana in this kaupapa/space2. Unwaged, charitable trust, student Successful applicants will be expected to provide...