
Author: admin-toitangata

Nō muri mai i tētahi kaupapa hauhake kūmara i whai wāhi atu ai tō mātou Pouārahi, a Ranginui Rikirangi-Thomas, ka toko ake te whakaaro kia whakatūria tētahi wānanga hei tiaki i ngā kūmara, koia tēnei ko te Toi Ako: Ana Kūmara. I mahi tahi a...

We want to better understand implementation experiences and challenges to facilitate more effective implementation in the future so we are reaching out to our whānau whānui who deliver health programmes in our hapori Māori, to complete this survey on the needs of our whānau. Since 2022, Toi Tangata has partnered...

Ka whakaeke te iwi ki runga o Pākirikiri marae i te 9 ki te 10 o Hune ki te wānanga i ngā kōrero mō Matariki, he mea whakarite nā Te Aorere Pewhairangi me tōna hūnuku. Maringanui ana tō mātou kaimahi, a Ranginui Rikirangi-Thomas i te...

Maiea te tupuaMaiea te tawhitoMaiea te kāwainga o te rangiMaiea ki runga TupuānukuMana nui, mana roa o te pihi nuku, o te māra tautāneNau mai WhānuiNau mai RongomauīNau mai, e te tini o Panitīnaku. Māringanui ana a Toi Tangata i te whai wāhitanga ki te reka...

Arriving on a crisp winter’s morning, sun shining through the large glass windows, and a warmth radiating from the kitchen fireplace, Toi Tangata Poutiaki, Matire Seath, took a day out of the office to spend it at the Good From Scratch school on Auckland's beautiful West Coast, Muriwai. Run by TV celebrity and chef, Michael Van de Elzen and his wife Bee, Chef Lucie, and...