

High-Value Nutrition (HVN) is investing in excellent, high-impact science to develop high-value foods with validated health benefits to drive economic growth. There are opportunities for Māori growers, food and beverage entities, and others to collaborate with HVN in Tranche 2. Further information can be found on...

Leadership, Innovate, Policies, Practice, Shared The LIPPS 4 Kai kaupapa is about the community, public and private sector coming together to build a joined-up approach across the Mid-North where the norm is healthy kai. Their purpose is to create a movement of people by courageous Leadership, local...

An exciting milestone for Whānau Ora Initative ‘Koha Kai’ has been realised, as their dream of opening their own purpose-built kai cart came to fruition. The cart is designed to enable Koha Kai trainees, who live with disabilities to be able to operate and serve...

A fun, free challenge to encourage you and your colleagues to experience first hand joys and benefits of riding a bike. It’s all about participation – which workplaces can get the most people to ride a bike for just 10 minutes or more? Organisations across the...

After a three-year consultation process and three years of revisions, Canada's new 2019 Food Guide has officially been announced. The newly released guide has reduced the conventional four food groups to three — wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables, and protein foods (incorporating the traditional meat, fish...

Developing Māori capability and knowledge is the prime focus of Ngā Kanohi Kitea community research grants. The grants provide opportunities for iwi, hapū and other community groups to address community-identified health needs.   Full project grants are available and range from $50,000 to $200,000. It is expected...

For the last 12 months Toi Tangata has been trialling ‘The Or@ Ol@ mobile app,’ and what an awesome effort from all those who participated in the trial. We want to extend a big mihi to everyone who played a part in it- it is...

The Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau 2019 will take place in Tutukaka and Ngunguru in the rohe of Ngātiwai, from Monday 4 – Wednesday 6 of March 2019.  Located on the east coast of Whangarei, Tai Tokerau, the Hui ā Tau is an annual event...

Ko pukehokio tōku maunga Ko Mangapu tōku awa Ko Tainui tōku waka Ko Ngāti Maniapoto tōku iwi Ko Ngāti Kinohaku tōku hapū Ko Te Waipatoto tōku marae Ko Summer tōku ingoa Kia ora! I’m Summer Wright. I hail from the Waitākeres, but you can find my whānau in Otorohanga. I am a...

He Pī Ka Rere is a kaupapa Māori physical activity and nutrition approach to nurture and develop the whole being of a tamaiti in Early Learning Environments (ELE). Based on traditional techniques used by our tūpuna combined with a need to supply our tamariki with...