

Fizz Free Whānau is back! Join us & go fizz free for the month of February 2021. The challenge is simply to phase out sugary drinks for the month of February. This challenge can be taken up by an individual, sports group, whānau or even marae!...

Two Toi Ako events will run back to back taking the place of our normal Hui ā Tau due to risks associated with Covid. Thursday 18 February 9.30am-5pm will still be held in Kāwhia at the Kāwhia Community Hall with the theme Kāwhia Moana Kāwhia...

In the last three months, He Kai Kei Aku Ringa, our first thousand days food project has been at the other end of a camera lens.  Following on from our co-design consultation earlier in the year, He Kai Kei Aku Ringa has followed and captured on...

The Atua Matua Wānanga took place in Waitara in early November hosted by Ihirangi Heke. Approximately 30 people were in attendance from local community activators, to public health advisors, and kaupapa Māori programme coordinators.  With only a day to answer and talk through a wide range...

Growing the Puna is a workforce development approach to help grow the Māori health and disability workforce by exposing Māori tertiary students to Māori approaches to kori tinana and kai oranga within our communities. Toi Tangata’s Growing the Puna internship programme has successfully been able...

We have recently welcomed Ranginui Rikirangi-Thomas (Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Ranginui) to the Toi Tangata whanau. Ranginui will be leading He Pī Ka Rere, our national kaupapa Māori physical activity and nutrition programme for tamariki in early learning environments. He will spearhead He Pī...

I mua tonu o te raumati, i whakahaere ngā wānanga He Pī Ka Rere ki te rohe o te Waiāriki-Mātaatua. I tu tētahi ki Whakatāne, tētahi hoki ki Tauranga Moana.  Tuatahi, me mihi ka tika ki ngā kaimahi o ngā Kōhanga Reo, nā rātou tēnei kaupapa...

This year has been an interesting and trying year, with the rise of working at home a direct result of the Covid pandemic. Increasing numbers of people are shifting to platforms to enable them to work remotely, with some even choosing to uproot life in...

The Ministry of Health has recently updated the Healthy Eating Guidelines for pregnant and breastfeeding women. View the full guidelines here or check out what has changed here.  Toi Tangata was part of an advisory for the update of the Infant and Toddler Guidelines which will...