

Alongside Joe McLeod, we hosted a three day Toi Wānanga: Ngā Kai a te Māori at Waikarā Marae in te Taitokerau. Matua Joe shared his plentiful mātauranga around kai Māori from mahinga kai to umu and everything in between. For three days in mid-October, Toi Tangata...

Ko Desrae Te Arani White oku ingoaE noho ana ahau i roto i te whaarua o Te MahoeKo Waiohau toku maraeKo Patuheuheu toku hapūKo Ngai Tuhoe toku iwiKo Hikurangi te maungaKo Rangitaiki te awaTihei mauri ora! Desrae is the newest team member to join the Toi...

The Leadership for Māori in Public Health programme is designed to inform participants of the current issues that kaimahi in this sector may be faced with, accompanied with the development of leadership skills, qualities and also the incorporation of mātauranga Māori throughout the programme. This...

Toi Tangata is advocating for te reo Māori funding to upskill the Māori health workforce and bridge inequities. As a Māori health agency, we recognise the demand for mātauranga and kaupapa Māori based services is currently outweighing the confidence and capability of some kaimahi Māori...

Na te kune te pupuke, Na te pupuke te hihiri,Na te hihiri te mahara, Na te mahara te hinengaro,Na te hinengaro te manako. From the conception the increase,From the increase the thought,From the thought the remembrance,From the remembrance the consciousness,From the consciousness the desire. Korikori has many...