05 Oct Nau mai haere mai ki a Desrae White

Ko Desrae Te Arani White oku ingoa
E noho ana ahau i roto i te whaarua o Te Mahoe
Ko Waiohau toku marae
Ko Patuheuheu toku hapū
Ko Ngai Tuhoe toku iwi
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Rangitaiki te awa
Tihei mauri ora!
Desrae is the newest team member to join the Toi Tangata whanau as Kaihāpai – He Pī Ka Rere | Facilitation Support. She will be working alongside Pianika to deliver He Pī Ka Rere in the Bay of Plenty region.
For the previous 15 years Desrae has worked at Tama Ki Hikurangi Te Kohanga Reo in the beautiful Waiohau, Bay of Plenty. Her role was Kaiwhakahaere/ van driver but would from time to time vary. At times I would step out of the office and work with our kaimahi to teach te reo Māori me ona tikanga to our mokopuna.
During her 20 years of living in Te Mahoe, Desrae has been a trustee on her whanau village trust and since covid has been a part of the Community Response Team.
Desrae is excited to be a part of the Toi Tangata whanau and is looking forward to working with and alongside everyone.
Nā reira, me noho haumaru tātou… Mauri ora!