
Growing the Puna

Enoka Wehi (Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki , Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Te Whakatōhea me Ngāi Tūhoe) I am from a small settlement known as Whāngārā, approximately 35km north of Gisborne on the beautiful East Coast. Whāngārā is my slice of paradise. I finished high school at Ngā Puna...

Growing the Puna is a workforce development approach to help grow the Māori health and disability workforce by exposing Māori tertiary students to Māori approaches to kori tinana and kai oranga within our communities. Toi Tangata’s Growing the Puna internship programme has successfully been able...

Ko Bree McCauley Scott tēnei Ko Taranaki me Hikurangi ōku Maunga Ko Waitara me Rangitāiki ōku Awa Ko Mātaatua tōku Waka Ko Ngāi Tūhoe me Te Āti Awa ōku Iwi Ko Bree McCauley Scott ahau  I tēnei o ngā wā kei taku tau whakamutunga ahau ki Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki...