21 Dec Ko te kaupeka o Mātiti Muramura
Kātahi anō mātou o te Hokianga ka tae ki te kaupeka o Mātiti Muramura. Kua tohungia tēnei kaupeka e te puāwaitanga o ngā Pohutukawa me ngā Rātā, arā, ko te ngā o te whenua. He rite tonu ngā tae o ngā puāwai Pōhutukawa ki ērā e kite ai tātou kei ngā muramura o te ahi.
Ko ngā tohu o te rangi i tēnei marama, ko te aranga ake o Whitikaupeka (Spica). Ko ngā tohu o te moana ko te taenga mai o ngā takeke(1). Hei tā Ayla Hoeta, “Takeke are a significant tohu and without it other big fish group would be limited. What’s so cool about the maramataka is it tells us exactly when the tākeke are due to come ashore and nest their eggs.”
Ka tae mai ngā Takeke i runga i te pūpū huka o te Rākaunui.
I tēnei kaupeka kua hauhake ngā whanau i ngā kamokamo me ngā peruperu, a, kua whakaritea hei kai Māori mā te iwi. Kei tō māua ake whare, e tipu haere ana ngā huawhenua tomato, egg plant, chilli me ngā huarākau pītiti (peaches).

1. Learning to live by the Maramataka; H, Ayla. This article uses a Tamaki Makaurau Maramataka, so there will be differences in the timing of particular tohu when compared with Hokianga.