21 Dec Game-changing Whānau Ātea opened in Tāmaki Makaurau
A brand new whānau ātea (family recreation space) was opened by the Tūpuna Maunga Authority yesterday in Tāmaki Makaurau. Located at the base of Te Pane o Mataoho / Te Ara Pueru / Māngere Mountain it hosts a beautiful collection of tākaro Māori elements.The vibrant recreation facility honours cultural, spiritual, heritage, and ecological values in its design.
Working with the community to promote an enduring relationship between the Maunga and the wider community, and create a place of gathering, recreating, and sharing pūrakau and kai, two thousand people shared their views on preliminary design plans. The outcome is an array of deeply considered and carefully rendered elements including tūpekepeke (upright logs for jumping practice), whirinaki (climbing log), wiwi wawa (grassed play mounds), and much more.

Other enhanced spaces at the foot of Te Pane o Mataoho include:
- Kī-o-rahi field with pou / Matariki star compass
- Two basketball half-courts painted with patterns representing mana whenua stories
- Auditory and wheelchair-accessible play elements
- Integrated skate space
Tākaro Māori expert, Harko Brown, advised on the design of the māra hūpara, while hāngī master, Rewi Spraggon, supported the creation of the first permanent, bookable community hāngī pit with design support from Boffa Miskell, leading environmental planning and design consultancy.
“The Tūpuna Maunga Recreation Strategy guided us to establish play spaces that provide an authentic opportunity to incorporate traditional Māori play features. This first rollout has surpassed expectations. We appreciate very much all the people and teams who shared their time to make this special space a reality,” said Paul Majurey, Tūpuna Maunga Authority Chair.
Deputy Chair and Māngere-Ōtāhuhu ward councillor Alf Filipaina is thrilled to make the whānau ātea available to the Māngere Bridge community.
“We anticipate the whānau ātea at Te Pane o Mataoho will fast become a destination for families in Tāmaki Makaurau.”
Learn more here: https://www.maunga.nz/news/tupuna-maunga-authority-opens-game-changing-whanau-atea/