07 Jul He Pī Ka Rere Kaitiaki Day
Teachers Raiha Johnson (Te Rarawa) and Wikitoria Burdon (Te Rarawa), of Waverley Park School in Invercargill, are fierce advocates for te reo me ona tikanga Māori. They were first introduced to He Pī Ka Rere in 2018 by Darrio and the team at Toi Tangata and have been hooked ever since.
The two teachers have brought the kaupapa into their school, using it with their tauira on a daily basis as well as during the weekly Ngā Taonga Māori Enrichment Programme – which has a Māori centric curriculum.
The He Pī Ka Rere programme was so well received, Wiki and Raiha developed the Kaitiaki Programme where they train tamariki to become kaitiaki of the kaupapa, acting as tuākana across the school.