

Living in Rotorua, there are so many sporting events happening all the time, it can be hard to keep up! One event that I always look forward to is the Secondary Schools Waka Ama Nationals at Lake Tikitapu. Thankfully, as a whānau we still have...

I ngā rā whakatā i tū te whakataetae Nakawhiti Oceania Cup ki Tāmaki Makaurau. He nui ngā tāngata i tae atu ki te korikori, ki te mātaki, ki te whakanui i ngā tātai whakapapa o te Moana Nui a Kiwa.  Ki a mātou o Toi Tangata he...

Our Kaiārahi Kai Māori, Haylee Koroi, shares her thoughts about restoring the mana, tapu and mauri of kai and the beauty of community.  It's stone fruit season here in Te Tai Tokerau and we've managed to salvage what is left from our peach tree in the...

Paris King (Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi) shares her experience as a Toi Tangata Growing the Puna intern.  Ma te rongo, ka mohio;Ma te mohio, ka marama; Ma te marama, ka matau; Ma te matau, ka ora.  From listening comes knowledge; From knowledge comes understanding; From understanding comes wisdom; From wisdom comes well-being.  This...