

Mātaiao ki Te Arawa In November, the Toi Tangata team and our two Summer Interns had the privilege of being hosted by Te Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa for a Mātaiao wānanga. Immersed in the rich narrative of Hātūpātū, we embarked on a journey retracing some...

Toi te kupuToi te manaToi te whenuaMauri ora! He whakautu tēnei ki te wero reo o taku hoamahi, Renei Ngawati. I tērā tau, i tuhia e ia tētahi kōrero i roto i te reo Māori anake. He wero mōna ki te whakamahi te reo e mōhio...

Earlier this year, we supported an event with Ngāpeke Permaculture in Welcome Bay, Tauranga, focused on kai, moving and playing in te reo Māori with Tutarawānanga Kōhanga Reo. Ngāpeke Permaculture is primarily led by wāhine Māori who are determined to restore their whenua using regenerative methods of gardening and practices...

Nō Poteriwhi ngā ture o te riri, hau! Nō te waoku, ka ngiha ka nguha ka ngangana e! Widely known within history books as a 'triumph for the Māori', the 1864 battle of Pukehinahina celebrated its 159th year commemoration on Labour Day this year. A range...

“Māku anō hei hanga tōku nei whare. Ko ngā pou o roto, he māhoe, he patatē, ko te tāhūhū he hīnau. Me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki" - Kīngi Tāwhiao These words recited by Kīngi Tāwhiao...

Toi Tangata has partnered with Waikato University to participate in the research project 'Healthier Lives Implementation Network' through the Healthier Lives National Science Challenges. This project was developed out of an identified need to build an infrastructure to help transition and transfer latest innovation in...

This year, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori was celebrated in style with our first in person Toi Tangata Kura Reo at Toi Oho Mai Campus in Rotorua. Held at the beautiful Tangatarua Marae, close to 100 kaimahi that work in whānau ora and hauora came together to enjoy three days of...