
Author: admin-toitangata

I ngā rā whakatā i tū te whakataetae Nakawhiti Oceania Cup ki Tāmaki Makaurau. He nui ngā tāngata i tae atu ki te korikori, ki te mātaki, ki te whakanui i ngā tātai whakapapa o te Moana Nui a Kiwa.  Ki a mātou o Toi Tangata he...

Paris King (Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi) shares her experience as a Toi Tangata Growing the Puna intern.  Ma te rongo, ka mohio;Ma te mohio, ka marama; Ma te marama, ka matau; Ma te matau, ka ora.  From listening comes knowledge; From knowledge comes understanding; From understanding comes wisdom; From wisdom comes well-being.  This...

Serves: 4Cooking time: 30 Ingredients 1 ½ cups of long grain rice2 cups of water2 medium kumara or 2 cups of pumpkin1 white onion3 cloves of garlic2 Tbsp olive oil1 Tbsp garam Masala1 tsp curry powder1 tsp ground cumin1 tsp ground cayenne pepper (Optional for spice)1 can...