
Author: admin-toitangata

“Māku anō hei hanga tōku nei whare. Ko ngā pou o roto, he māhoe, he patatē, ko te tāhūhū he hīnau. Me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki" - Kīngi Tāwhiao These words recited by Kīngi Tāwhiao...

Toi Tangata has partnered with Waikato University to participate in the research project 'Healthier Lives Implementation Network' through the Healthier Lives National Science Challenges. This project was developed out of an identified need to build an infrastructure to help transition and transfer latest innovation in...

This year, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori was celebrated in style with our first in person Toi Tangata Kura Reo at Toi Oho Mai Campus in Rotorua. Held at the beautiful Tangatarua Marae, close to 100 kaimahi that work in whānau ora and hauora came together to enjoy three days of...

The cold of winter is finally fading here in the Hokianga as the sun sets further south along Niniwā. The tulips we planted have blossomed, our seeds have germinated - lettuce, beans, tomato and onions. We spotted a white puawānanga in the Waipoua canopy, and may...

Join us in welcoming our new kaimahi to the Toi Tangata whanau! We are excited to be growing our team and expanding our offerings to include the Mātaiao kaupapa which will be available to kura in the Tāmaki Makaurau region. Mātaiao will be spearheaded by...

The Mātaiao team was filled with excitement as we boarded our flight to Queenstown. Our destination held promises of adventure and exploration. Touching down in Queenstown we wasted no time gathering our gear and loading our suitcases into the truck. With spirits soaring high, our team embarked on...

In a celebration of te ao Māori and wāhine empowerment, women from across the Far North, Kaipara, Auckland, and Whakatane gathered at Te Whakamaharatanga Marae in Waimamaku to learn about and experience fishing and diving. Organised by the ‘Kaimoana Queens’ and in collaboration with Toi Tangata, the wānanga showcased the enduring significance of fishing and diving practices...