
Ngā Kare o te Wai

Over term two of this school year, Toi Tangata supported the pilot of reo Māori swimming lessons for mokopuna from two kōhanga reo in Tauranga Moana, Te Kōhanga Reo o Tūtarawānanga and Te Kōhanga Reo o Whareroa and their whānau. Lessons were held locally and were part of the kōhanga day allowing kaiako to support the tamariki and reo Māori within the space. 

Objectives for our tamariki Māori were learning water skills and water safety as well as learning context-specific kupu Māori and waiata along the way. Introducing reo Māori in this context through movement and observation was a practical and special way to socialise, play, and connect in the water with tamariki as whānau and as a reo Māori community. 

We were fortunate to have the support and guidance of our kaiako kaukau, Whaea Tiana Ngawati Anderson (Ngāti Hine and Ngāti Porou).

We had a few pātai for her about the kaupapa.

What interested you about facilitating our wā kaukau? 

I was introduced to this kaupapa through my sister, Renei, who then connected me with other Toi Tangata kaimahi. From there, I was interested in the kaupapa from a service point of view where whānau could access this type of pūkenga without any barriers. 

I loved how the tamariki were so excited and engaging with the lessons and how the whānau were so appreciative of having time with their tamaiti in the wai. The waiata for the babies was my favourite part. 

What was challenging, what were some lessons? 

For me it was learning how to manage the tamaiti and their abilities. This changed with each week to trial how the tamaiti best engaged with the akoranga and the skills being taught. 

I’m thankful to the kōhanga reo for engaging in the kaupapa and getting the tamariki organised every week to attend. A big mihi to the parents and other support staff involved in the coordination of our kaupapa, which offered the opportunity to experience this wā kaukau in te reo Māori and te ao Māori.

Mā te mahitahi, ka tutuki pai. E mihi ana ki a tātou katoa.

Tiana and whānau have signalled they want to continue wā kaukau i te reo for 2024 and 2025. Please reach out if you are in Tauranga Moana and want your tamaiti (1-5 years) to be a part of this kaupapa info@toitangata.co.nz