07 Nov He Kura, Ka Hura – Uncovering the hidden treasures within tākaro
Kei hea taku kura? Ko te kura a Tūwhakararo e…
Kei a Te Pō taku kura?
Kei a Te Ao taku kura?
Haere mai ki te papa tākaro nei ko Te Pewa o Tūwhakararo.
Kei tene pewa he timotimo kai.
Kei tēnā tāhei he timotimo kai.
Ka mutu he hākari kei te haere.
Ko te manu ka kai i te mātauranga nōna te ao.
During te Wiki Tākaro o Aotearoa 2024 (NZ Play Week), Toi Tangata invited whānau in Tāmaki Makaurau into the snare of Tūwhakararo to embark on the quest to find leading tākaro exponent, Wiremu Sarich!

Wiremu Sarich (Te Rarawa, Ngapuhi, Tainui) is a staunch champion of ngā taonga tākaro Māori, embodying the philosophy ‘kia kawea tātou e te rēhia.’
In the spirit of “Where’s Wally?”, our Wiki Tākaro adventure invited whānau to search for Wiremu in two special pop-up locations in Tāmaki Makaurau, where he led tākaro sessions exploring the magic of taonga tākaro. One of these locations was along Te Auaunga awa where we discovered a māra hūpara – a traditional Māori Playground. Through Wiremu’s guidance, participants actively engaged with the kura huna of these spaces, learning about ancient ways of play, movement and connection to land.
Over 80 tamariki and whānau, including many from TKKM o Ngā Maungarongo, took part in the sessions, receiving clues to uncover Wiremu’s hiding spots.

The Toi Tangata-led theme for Play Week 2024 was ‘He Kura, Ka Hura’, an invite to uncover the hidden treasures within tākaro that go beyond enjoyment and are essential for tamariki development. Tākaro has the special ability to weave together threads of kura huna found within mātauranga and pūrākau, nurturing the physical, spiritual and mental well-being of our tamariki. Wiremu reminded whānau that tākaro is a powerful medium for transmitting knowledge across generations.
This Wiki Tākaro, we encouraged whānau to celebrate tākaro in every setting, creating nurturing environments that support the growth and well-being of our tamariki and mokopuna.
Led by Ihi Aotearoa Sport New Zealand, Te Wiki Tākaro 2024 (Play Week 2024) ran from 26 October – 1 November 2024. For more information, visit their website.