
Matariki Hautapu Ceremony: Te Pu a nga Maara in Puhinui

Mānawa mai e te aranga o Puanga️
Mānawa mai e te tōnga o Rehua️
Mānawa mai e te putanga o Matariki️
Mānawa mai e Te Mātahi o te Tau️
|Mānawa mai e Matariki ki te Puhinui 2024

️Te Tau Hou Māori – a time of commemoration, a time to celebrate, a time to dream…

Our Kaiwhakahaere Matua, Darrio Penetito-Hemara, and his whanau attended the Matariki Hautapu ceremony held in Puhinui and hosted by Te Pū-A-Nga Maara. The kaupapa was a vibrant and heartwarming celebration of te tau hōu Māori.

The ceremony began with karakia and waiata, setting a tone of remembrance for our tūpuna and the year that has passed. It was a time to honour those who have gone before us and to reflect on their contributions to our lives and hapori. The atmosphere was one of respect and reverence, reminding us of the importance of our tikanga, kawa and the connections we share with our whenua. Rangatahi led parts of this beautiful process and demonstrated how kōrero tuku iho is continuing to flourish through the generations.

Following the remembrance, the ceremony moved into a celebration of connection and community through kai. Sharing a meal is a powerful way to bring people together, and this year’s feast was no exception, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, and strengthening the bonds that tie our community together. The shared laughter, stories, and joy underscored the communal spirit of Matariki.

Looking forward, everyone dreamed together for the future of our taiao. This part of the ceremony was particularly inspiring as it involved collective visions and aspirations for a sustainable and thriving future. It was a reminder of our responsibility to tiaki Papatūānuku

Me mihi ka tika ki Te Pū-A-Nga Maara mō tō koutou ārahi i te kaupapa nei. Ka mihi hoki ki ngā mana whenua o Te Waiohua, Ngāti Te Ata, Ngāti Tamaoho, me Te Ākitai. E rere hoki ana ngā mihi ki a koutou o Manurewa Marae nā koutou te ope i whakanoa i te manaakitanga.

Mānawatia a Puanga️
Mānawatia a Rehua️
Mānawatia a Matariki️
Mānawatia Te Mātahi o te Tau️

Matariki ki te Puhinui 2024 was more than just a ceremony; it was a powerful reminder of who we are, where we come from, and the dreams we hold for our future. It was a celebration of our identity, our ahurea, and our hāpori. Our future is in great hands as we watched our hapori lead this kaupapa with such mana.

Mānawatia a Matariki!