13 Sep Nau Mai Marcus, Our New Growing the Puna Intern
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Ngāti Maru rāua ko Te Atiawa ōku iwi
Ko Parihaka te marae
Ko Kurahaupo te waka
Ko Sonya tōku māmā
Ko Roman tōku teina
No Ōtautahi ahau
Ko Ōtepoti tōku kāinga ināianei
Ko Marcus Hughes tōku ingoa
Our Growing the Puna project connects students with a focus on physical activity and/or nutrition, to Māori communities and the health sector. This year, we are excited to have Marcus Hughes joining us as our Growing the Puna intern for this year’s intake.
In his final year of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Otago, Marcus actively engages with the student body and Māori community. His diverse roles include class representative, tuakana leader, Te Rōpū Pūtaiao rep, and Physical Education Māori Association (PEMA) rep. With over 70 hours of volunteering, Marcus is excited to seek to expand his knowledge and experiences through meaningful interactions with tuakana, kaumatua and pūkenga.
At the core of his aspirations, Marcus is in pursuit of expanding his understanding and acquiring deeper insights into Te Ao Māori. Throughout his placement, Marcus is dedicated to delving into the facets of whakapapa and identity in relation to whenua and its multifaceted impact on health and overall well-being.
Embracing all the opportunities this placement offers, Marcus is looking forward to cultivating lasting relationships. Above all, he is excited to contribute to and champion the preservation and advancement of his culture, ‘tihei mauri ora’.