21 Dec Te Hokorua o te Kōhanga Reo
I tūwhera ai te Kōhanga Reo tuatahi ki Wainuiomata hei te tau 1982. Kātahi anō kua whakanuia i te Hokorua o te Kōhanga Reo ki Kirikiriroa mō ngā rangi e toru.
The first Kōhanga Reo opened in Wainuiomata in 1982 and we have just celebrated Te Kōhanga Reo turning 40 years old. This was a three day event held in Kirikiriroa with whānau from all over Aotearoa participating and commemorating this milestone. It was truly a time to celebrate the dreams and aspirations of our tūpuna becoming a reality with the revitalisation of reo Māori through the Kōhanga Reo movement!
He waiata, he haka, he korikori, he kaupapa Māori mō te whānau katoa. The event consisted of kapa haka performed by numerous Kōhanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa, activities, dancing, entertainment for all the whānau all celebrating our reo Māori.
I whakanuia mātou ko te whānau o Toi Tangata i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira. The Toi Tangata whānau was privileged to have shared the He Pī Ka Rere (HPKR) at this event, involving tamariki mokopuna with korikori kēmu (activities) on stage and presenting a stall of HPKR and Toi Tangata resources to ensure they are accessible for all whānau to learn more.