05 Oct Leadership for Māori in Public Health
The Leadership for Māori in Public Health programme is designed to inform participants of the current issues that kaimahi in this sector may be faced with, accompanied with the development of leadership skills, qualities and also the incorporation of mātauranga Māori throughout the programme. This year, Toi Tangata kaimahi, Crystal Pekepo-Ratu and Ranginui Rikirangi-Thomas attended the wānanga series. This provided an opportunity to listen to amazing leaders who are agents of change in the public health sector, from policy, mindfulness and re-imagining an āo of Te Ao Māori lead kaupapa in hauora. Crystal and Ranginui both completed the course requirements and presented to the cohort on the importance and value of mātauranga Māori in relation to addressing some of the key issues that were discussed in the programme.
This course brings together and nurtures Māori leaders in the Public Health sector, strengthening the networks of all participants and allowing collaboration across the organisations and kaupapa that this vast sector represents.
On behalf of Toi Tangata, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank both Tania Hodges and Grant Berghan for the 20 years of service to the Māori Leadership Development kaupapa and the growth of our kaimahi here at Toi Tangata over the years.