05 Oct He Pī Ka Rere in the Bay of Plenty
The He Pī Ka Rere team has been busy over the month of August in training with Kohanga Reo and Early Childhood Centres (ECE) throughout the Bay of Plenty.
They held a two hour HPKR annual refresher session with 30 kaimahi from six different Kōhanga Reo (Ngāti Awa ki Rangitāiki me Kawerau purapura) at Rangitihi Marae, Matatā. Ideas were shared around what additional support was needed in the kai space at Kōhanga Reo. Kaimahi discussed the need for a rauemi or resource that could identify a balanced meal or combination of kai for tamariki. HPKR Kaiārahi, Pianika Ormsby, gathered a pool of kaimahi from different organisations to look through existing rauemi and assess what was working and what could be improved upon.
A one day HPKR wānanga was also held at Te Paamu (Tia) Marae with three kaimahi from Ngā Reo E Rua Bilingual ECE. Kaimahi had a great time learning new things and thinking about what they could incorporate into their programming. The feedback received was very positive!
Finally, the Kaihāpai, Desrae White, attended and supported the 40th huritau, birthday celebration for Hairini Kōhanga Reo (the first established in Tauranga Moana). HPKR korikori was conducted at the request of the Kōhanga Regional Director with tamariki from six different Kōhanga Reo. Short HPKR kori videos and TikTok’s were made as a further resource. Ka rawe te kaupapa nei!