30 Jun Official opening of building reconnects Toi Tangata to its Heart Foundation roots
He kitenga kanohi, he hokinga mahara, he koanga ngākau
Ko te whakapapa tētahi o ngā tino kaupapa i te ao Māori, me te aha, inākuanei anga whakamuri ai mātou ki te whakapapa o Toi Tangata, o Te Hotu Manawa Māori me te Heart Foundation hei kōkiri te ara mō āpōpō.
A long standing connection between Toi Tangata (Te Hotu Manawa Māori Trust) and the Heart Foundation was strengthened recently with the two organisations coming together under the one roof.
A dawn service led by mana whenua, Ngāti Whātua, to bless the building and welcome Toi Tangata into the Ellerslie based whare was held on Wednesday 29 June 2022 to formally open the refurbished premises. The ceremony included a waere of the Hotu Manawa Māori pou named ‘Kaitiaki’ and provided the whakapapa of the pou and the hononga between the organisations.
Established in 1997 as an arm of the National Heart Foundation, the Toi Tangata mātua roopu, Te Hotu Manawa Māori Trust, had a vision of addressing inequalities in Māori heart health. However, with their services growing beyond that of heart health, the decision was made in 2013 to evolve and rebrand Te Hotu Manawa Māori as Toi Tangata. Now, Toi Tangata aims to empower whānau to lead healthy and active lifestyles using mātauranga Māori as the driving force for reaching their potential.
Kataraina Davis, Chief Advisor Māori for the Heart Foundation is looking forward to reconnecting with Toi Tangata and what it could mean with regards to improving outcomes for Māori around heart health.
“We are looking forward to coming together and creating a new relationship, being strengthened by it, and growing together,” says Kataraina. “We are really excited for the future of hauora Māori and whānau Māori, especially in regards to manawa ora. Everything Toi Tangata does and has done contributes to that.”
Witnessing governance, management, senior leadership, operations, kaimahi, whānau, tamariki and mana whenua all well represented was a highlight of the ceremony, while another significant feature was hearing te reo Māori projected so confidently throughout the proceedings.
While the two organisations continue to operate independently, the move honours the historic connection and provides opportunities for potential future collaboration.
Nōu te reo pōhiri, Kaitiaki, anei a Toi Tangata kua tae ki tō aroaro, ki tō whakaruruhautanga i roto mai i a Manawanui.
Ko tō manawa, ko te oranga o te iwi Māori
Ko tōku manawa ko te oranga o te iwi Māori,
Tēnei ka whakairihia
Haumi e
Hui e
Tāiki e