
Tākaro Panel

This panel kōrero brings together Hauiti Hakopa, Wiremu Sarich and Kuini Moehau-Reedy in a discussion about tākaro. They explore the very tūāpapa of tākaro – and how it emerges in te ao mārama. We explore tohu associated with this kaupeka – not only tohu from the taiao, but those from our whānau and tamariki. How can these tohu be used to guide responsive and joyful forms of tākaro? Lastly we look at the hopes and aspirations that our kaikōrero have for their whānau and hapori. Check out more of Hauiti’s mahi here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuO6vNAW_GOxnTxYr3wMYrg/playlists Learn more about Nanny Kuini Moehau-Reedy here: https://patupaiarehe.nz/