
Te Rā Whakahirahira o Matariki

To celebrate Matariki, Te Purapura o Ngāti Awa ki Rangitāiki me Kawerau hosted Te Rā Whakahirahira o Matariki. Bringing together kaimahi, tamariki and whānau from all nine kōhanga reo within the purapura, the whānau friendly event offered korikori stations and activities associated with ngā atua Māori for everyone to give  a go.

Not only were tamariki wāwāhi tahā (children who smash the calabash) present within our tamariki mokopuna throughout the day, but within the kaimahi and whānau as well. It was a true inspiration to see what ‘He Pī Ka Rere ki Ngāti Awa’ looks like in action.