
Dr Teah Carlson – Whakarongo, Whakarongo, Whakarongo! Transforming Health Literacy

A framework for listening with your head, heart and puku. 

Come on a journey with me, watch my art transform darkness into form. Turn your world upside down and unpack what it means to decolonise our ways of being. Let’s start with reclaiming what’s ours – health literacy – a space for Māori to be ourselves; a space that is negotiated, adaptive and shaped by people, whānau and communities.  I focus on what matters to Māori, our visions, aspirations, and goals for self-determination, abundance, thriving, health, and wellbeing. 

If you’re into co-design/co-creation this is a great example of community engagement.

If you’re interested in communication beyond words then you will enjoy this.

If you’re interested in community – participation – action – research turn this on!

If you work in the health sector this presentation is for you.

If you or your loved one has been impacted by the health system this is dedicated to you.