13 Dec Kōhanga Reo expo 2017: Nōku te reo, Nōku te ao
Our Toi Tangata team was very privileged to be invited to the 35th anniversary celebration of the Te Kōhanga Reo movement late last month. The expo, held at Claudelands arena in Hamilton, was a hit with over 12,000 attending over the four days. The expo included performances, plays, giveaways, a gala dinner and constant mokopuna movement across the four days.
Toi Tangata was there to support through a stall, kori and kai workshops and stage shows. Whilst at the expo we received interest from 80+ Kōhanga Reo in He Pī Ka Rere from across Aotearoa.
Toi Tangata CEO Megan Tunks and Kōhanga Reo CEO Kararaina Cribb signed a Memorandum of Understanding re -connecting Toi Tangata and Kōhanga Reo national trust through Toi Tangata supporting the hauora initiatives.