
Healthy Families Rotorua and Maramataka Māori

In a response to the Rotorua Community’s desire to learn more about Maramataka, Healthy Families Rotorua presented a Maramataka Wānanga in August. Following this initial wānanga the Maramataka Advisory group was formed, made up of Maramataka enthusiasts and knowledgeable individuals to help guide the return of Maramataka in Rotorua.

Since that first wānanga, Healthy Families Rotorua has supported six community champions to attend the wananga led by Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura where further knowledge and its application was shared. As a result of attending these wananga, the focus for the Healthy Families Rotorua team has been to apply Maramataka in day to day activities; at home, in the office, and across the collaborative work that the team is involved in with the wider community.  This has included integrating Maramataka into the work of Te Arawa Whanau Ora, which has influenced practice and culture at an application level. The aim of learning and applying Maramataka is to normalise the return of traditional Māori systems and practices that encourage and assist in building healthier environments where we live, learn, work, and play. A simple and practical beginner’s guide to Maramataka is currently being developed with the guidance and assistance of the Maramataka Advisory group.

What is Maramataka?

Maramataka is the Māori lunar calendar, a guide for reading the various phases of the moon and its influence on the natural environment and therefore all aspects of life. By understanding the Maramataka and living according to the natural rhythms and cycles of our environment, it is believed we can be more productive and successful in all aspects of life.