
Growing the Puna

We have a limited number of scholarships available for the conference registration fee. 4 rangatahi scholarships and 3 kaimahi scholarships, sponsored by the Health Promotion Agency. Criteria:1. Actively working or studying kai, wai, kori tinana in this kaupapa/space2. Unwaged, charitable trust, student Successful applicants will be expected to provide...

Chanel Phillips (Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi) is a current Research Fellow for Te Koronga Indigenous Science Research Theme at the University of Otago. She has recently submitted her doctoral thesis at the School of Physical Education Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Otago. Her thesis...

Chelsea is currently in her second year of her PhD at the School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Otago. She is exploring ways to reconnect whānau to whakapapa in Ngāti Kahungunu. The first, through physical engagement; walking, paddling, swimming...

During August, Breanna, Jade and Micah, Massey University students in their final year of the Masters of Dietetics, did a three week placement with Toi Tangata for the Growing the Puna programme. During this time they completed research on current and/or indigenous nutrition education initiatives,...

For the fourth consecutive year, Toi Tangata put out the call for tauira Māori to apply for the Toi Tangata Summer Student Internships for 2016-2017. This year we offered three opportunities; two internships in partnership with tertiary providers University of Otago-Te Koronga and Te Wānanga...

Toi Tangata looks to foster and build capacity in the sector through three workforce development awards. These awards aim to support the growth and leadership of Māori innovation within nutrition and physical activity. The Student Award is one of these accolades which is aimed at students...