
Rangatahi Tū Rangatira National Hui 2017

‘Whakapūpūtia mai o mānuka kia kore ai e whati’
Cluster together the branches of the manuka tree, together they are strong and are not easily broken.

Miharo pai ana i nga korero i puta i te hui i nga wiki kua pahure!

Rangatahi Tū Rangatira held their annual hui in Te Whanganui a Tara in March, an event which brought together providers and kaimahi who hold Rangatahi Tū Rangatira contracts with the Ministry of Health. Toi Tangata was honoured to be invited to join the gathering of like-minded people who, like us, are passionate about tikanga and mātauranga as a guide to ensure that our next generation can flourish.

It was an inspiring few days with different tohunga in the physical activity and nutrition space who possessed both skills and knowledge beyond their years. These presenters included Dr Hauiti Hakopa (University of Otago Te Koronga), Paora Te Hurihanganui (Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa), Te Miri Rangi (Whakapapa Fridays), and Marama Fox (Māori party).

Toi Tangata Kaiārahi (Training and Development Specialist- Māori Education Settings), Darrio Penetito-Hemara, presented Toi Tangata approaches to providing tautoko to rangatahi through physical activity and nutrition. These approaches included a combination of Kai Māori Kai Ora, He Pī Ka Rere, Atua Matua and Wai Ariki messages and activities.

With many different perspectives we were able to see the success of this hui is within the collective impact of all who are on this journey to support hauora within our communities. We were also reminded that although there are many methods, we are all out to reach the same desired outcome – a better life for te Iwi Māori.

Nā Darrio Penetito-Hemara