28 Sep Introducing Zirsha | Kai Tohutohu Oranga Kai
We are delighted to welcome Zirsha Wharemate (Ngati Ranginui), who is joining the team to provide technical nutrition advice to Toi Tangata. Zirsha will commence this part time support to Toi Tangata from October while remaining in her role as an Oral Health Promoter for the Bay of Plenty DHB four days a week, and providing advice as/when required on her day off.
Zirsha, married for many years to Jasen Wharemate (Ngā Puhi), is a māmā of three and nanny to one mokopuna. Zirsha has a Masters and a PhD in Nutritional Science from Massey University (2016). Her PhD looked at Investigations into the Nutritional and Sensory Potential of Taewa (Māori Potatoes).

Ko Mauao te Maunga
Ko Tauranga te moana
Ko Ngāti Ranginui te iwi
Ko Zirsha Wharemate āhau
My passions, aside from my family are my religion, my heritage (Māori and Pākehā), promoting health & well-being, Māori art (whatu and raranga weaving), music, enjoying the outdoors, and my desire for empowering others. These passions have led me to an education in nutrition (Masters and PhD in Nutrition through Massey University), a Diploma in Raranga through Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and a career in public health, health promotion and health education. Other roles have included external moderation for tertiary rongoā courses at Te Rūnanga o Raukawa, organising church-based tamariki and rangatahi programmes and providing technical advice in the Ministry of Health’s adult activity and nutrition guidelines. Currently I am loving being back amongst my iwi, through serving on my hapū Trust Board, supporting local and hapū research projects and promoting preschool oral health through my health promotion role with the Bay of Plenty District Health Board.