
He Pī Ka Rere Wānanga ki Te Teko

I te tīmatanga ō Hereturikōkā i whakahaere tētahi wānanga He Pī Ka Rere (HPKR) i te taha o ētahi Kōhanga Reo o te Waiariki. Ko ngā kaimahi, whānau, tamariki hoki o Te Purapura o Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki me Kawerau (ngā Kōhanga Reo e waru) i whakarangatira ai i tēnei kaupapa ki Te Teko me Patutātahi Kōhanga Reo. 

Ko te pūtake o ngā wānanga HPKR kia werohia i ngā whakaaro, i ngā tinana hoki, kia whakamārama e pēhea ana ngā mātauranga Māori e aratakina i te kori me te kai mō ngā tamariki mokopuna, ngā whānau anō hoki. E ārahi ana ngā atua Māori rongonui e ono i te kori tinana me te kai i roto i tēnei kaupapa. Anō, he taonga tō ngā mātauranga o ngā rohe katoa huri noa i te ao, nō reira, ka whakawhanake i ngā mahi nā runga i ēnei.

Ko tētahi o ngā whāinga o tēnei wānanga, o tēnei kaupapa kia ora ai ‘te ihi, te wehi, te wana’. He rite ki ngā mahi o te Kōhanga Reo ia rā, ia rā. E āhei ana ngā whānau, ngā tamariki kia whakakōtahi ai, kia whāngai i tēnei taha tamariki, e noho ana ki roto i a mātou katoa. Pērā ki te whakatauākī ō Kīngi Tāwhiao… “Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia e kore e whati”. 

E mihi ana te kapa o Toi Tangata ki ngā Kōhanga Reo o Te Teko, Patutātahi, Kōkōhinau, Tāhuna, Te Kiriwera Hana, Rangitihi, Ngā Mokohuia o Te Rautahi me Te Urunga mai o Te Rā. Nā koutou i whakarangatira tēnei kaupapa hei whakawhanake, hei poipoi i ngā tamariki kōrero Māori, otirā, ngā rangatira mō āpōpō.

Over a two day period a He Pī Ka Rere wānanga was held with Kōhanga Reo in the Waiariki/Eastern Bay of Plenty region earlier last month. Whānau and tamariki from Te Purapura o Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki me Kawerau (cluster of 8 Kōhanga Reo) attended the workshops held at Te Teko and Patutātahi Kōhanga Reo. 

The purpose of this HPKR wānanga was to challenge our whakaaro (thinking), and tinana (body) to grow a deep understanding of the role mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) plays on kori (physical activity) and kai (nutrition) for our tamariki mokopuna and whānau. Informed through connecting movement and nutrition to 6 of our “most well-known” Atua Māori. The true beauty of our mātauranga Māori is there is no one size fits all. This kaupapa draws from mātauranga significant to every rohe. 

One key aspect of this wānanga was exercising ‘te ihi, te wehi, te wana. The joy of movement” all together. Something that comes naturally in the Kōhanga Reo environment. Whānau too were able to expose and indulge in their inner-child, doing so competitively, cooperatively and as one big whānau. Like the whakatauākī by Kīngi Tāwhiao goes… “Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia e kore e whati”. “If there is but one toetoe stem it will break, but if they are together in a bundle they will never break”.

On behalf of Toi Tangata, we would like to extend our mihi to Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Teko, Patutātahi, Kōkōhinau, Tāhuna, Te Kiriwera Hana, Rangitihi, Ngā Mokohuia o Te Rautahi me Te Urunga mai o Te Rā. Nā koutou i whakarangatira tēnei kaupapa hei whakawhanake, hei poipoi i ngā tamariki kōrero Māori, otirā, ngā rangatira mō āpōpō.

Nā, Pianika Ormsby