13 Jan Zack Makoare
Over the past ten years Zack has progressed from running small whānau wānanga to developing rangatahi wānanga involving 200 plus people. This has resulted in the establishment of Te Taitimu Trust. The Trust is now a nationwide leader in rangatahi leadership and development, and multi-sectoral collaboration. Integral to the success of Te Taitimu Trust is Zack’s own leadership qualities, his vision, and his ability to bring people together, no matter what their background is.
Zack has the ability to inspire rangatahi through his spoken word and to capture the hearts and minds of rangatahi, some of who are on the margins of society, in a way that resonates with their realities. He is a motivator and is able to get the best out of rangatahi, even when it may seem that they are ‘vulnerable’, ‘at-risk’, or ‘delinquents’.
Zack role models the compassion, empathy, and patience that is required when working with those who are suffering mental illness. His leadership work with bereaved whānau of suicide has also highlighted these skills, and his overwhelming aroha and care for the bereaved whānau is evident to see.