07 Aug Kura Kai Ora Launch
I tērā tau i timata a Toi Tangata te mahi tahi me nga roopu no National Hauora Coalition, Ko Awatea, Mana Kidz, Counties Manukau Health me Turuki Healthcare. Ko te kaupapa ko te hanga i etahi rauemi tautoko i te ao kai mo te Māori mo ngā kura.
Toi Tangata had the pleasure of working with National Hauora Coalition, Ko Awatea, Mana Kidz, Counties Manukau Health, Turuki Healthcare and Te Kura Kaupapa a Rohe o Mangere to develop some resources for tamariki.
The Kura Kai Ora aim is to apply a ‘whakapapa/tīpuna kai’ approach to develop and deliver nutrition messages in kura that are engaging for children and can be spread to all schools.
The Kura Kai Ora Project was a two phase co-design project that applied a ‘whakapapa/tīpuna kai’ approach to develop and deliver nutrition messages that are engaging for children in all schools.
Phase one: Tauira (students) at Te Kura Kaupapa a Rohe o Mangere developed five key nutritional messages that reflected a natural engagement with ‘whakapapa/tīpuna kai’.
Phase two: Develop a video and poster resource using the five key nutritional messages the tauira developed to be utilised in other schools (in development).
On Friday 2nd of August 2019 we launched this kaupapa with the help of our designer students and Te Matatini champion, Nga Tumanako tutor and Kaitataki Tane, Kawariki Morgan.
Kawariki shared his whakaaro of how important kai hauora is to become the best possible performer when preparing for haka campaigns. He made a special mention to the tauira that created the resources and encouraged whānau across the kura to utilise this resource as a guide.
Tena koe, e te mātanga haka ōtira koutou nga tauira.
Watch the video the tauira created here