
Tai Tokerau Showcase – Mid-North LIPPS 4 Kai

Leadership, Innovate, Policies, Practice, Shared

The LIPPS 4 Kai kaupapa is about the community, public and private sector coming together to build a joined-up approach across the Mid-North where the norm is healthy kai.

Their purpose is to create a movement of people by courageous Leadership, local Innovation, realistic Policies, accountable Practice and Shared equitable outcomes across the food system, hence the anagram, LIPPS.

The movement aims to;

  •  Actively seek direction and partnerships, particularly with tai tamariki / youth.
  • Develop and maintain an agreed call to action.
  • Host innovation and initiatives that promotes available, accessible, and affordable fresh kai.
  • Create a healthy kai movement where people can contribute, enjoy and celebrate local fresh kai as first choice.


  • Raewyn Nafatali, Healthy families Far North
  • Lee Mason, Seventh day Adventist Church, Pataka Kai, Youth & whanau Cooking
  • Thérèse Wickbom, Bald Angels