
He Pī Ka Rere a mōtu

He Pī Ka Rere is a kaupapa Māori physical activity and nutrition approach to nurture and develop the whole being of a tamaiti in Early Learning Environments (ELE). Based on traditional techniques used by our tūpuna combined with a need to supply our tamariki with the abilities, skills and awareness to lead a lifelong relationship with Kori (movement) and Kai (nutrition).

Toi Tangata is currently seeking expressions of interest for locations to hold He Pī Ka Rere wānanga across Aotearoa in 2019.

Click here for a snippet of a wananga held at Murihiku marae this year.

If you are interested in organising a wānanga in your rohe contact:

Darrio Penetito-Hemara- Kaiārahi- Training and development specialist

Email: darrio@toitangata.co.nz Ph: (09) 638 5800