09 Oct He Pī Ka Rere wānanga ki Waihōpai (Invercargill)
He Pī Ka Rere, the kaupapa Māori physical activity and nutrition approach which nurtures and develops the whole being of a tamaiti, is gaining traction and proving hugely popular. The programme has been on the road again, with Toi Tangata Kaiārahi, Darrio Penetito-Hemara hosting the most recent He Pī Ka Rere wānanga in Waihōpai (Invercargill).
The wānanga was an opportunity to showcase how the He Pī Ka Rere approach can be implemented in an early learning environment and was held at Murihiku marae where the participants were blessed to have indoor and outdoor settings to showcase the many variations of activities that are suitable for any environment.
The wānanga hosted a combination of kindergartens, Kōhanga Reo, and daycares who were able to bring their expertise to the table. With every wānanga providing a learning experience for the Toi Tangata team as well, we offer a big mihi to all the attendees and the mātauranga they shared.
He Pī Ka Rere is a kaupapa Māori physical activity and nutrition approach which nurtures and develops the whole being of a tamaiti in Kaupapa Māori Early Learning Environments (KMELE). It is based on traditional techniques used by our tūpuna and combined with a need to supply our tamariki with the abilities, skills and awareness to lead a lifelong relationship with kori (movement) and kai (nutrition).
Channel 39 did a story about the wānanga check it out here
If you are interested in knowing more about He Pī Ka Rere click here
If you would like to register your interest or like to know more contact:
Darrio Penetito-Hemara- Kaiārahi- Training and development specialist
Email: darrio@toitangata.co.nz Ph: (09) 638 5800