UPDATE 18/08/21 @ 9am: This Toi Ako Webinar has now been postponed due to the recent move to Alert Level 4. We will reschedule and let you know when we find a suitable date and time. Kia noho haumaru, e te whanau.
Join Lorinda Pereira (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Kahungunu) for a lunch-time session as she shares her whakaaro around kai sovereignty and security based on her lived experience in the small rural community of Panguru in the Hokianga.
During this hour-long Toi Ako Webinar, she will discuss the value of and access to mātauranga Māori, the relationships between the knowledge holders and modern Māori, and how these concepts hold the key to empowering us to feed ourselves.
Through understanding and exploring whakaaro around maramataka Māori in food sovereignty, as well as chemical free, quality food and access, Lorinda will guide us through learning how to live from the land in a practical sense.
About Lorinda
Lorinda Pereira of Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua and Ngāti Kahungunu descent, is a māmā of six who made the move back to her whenua in Panguru, Hokianga. Here, she is raising her tamariki and teaching them all they need to know to survive by growing their own mahinga kai. She follows the concept of food forests, which are a low maintenance, sustainable method to grow food that mimics the ecosystem of forests, reaping the benefits of the different foods all year round.