Toi Tangata and Te Korowai Hauora O Hauraki would like to invite kaimahi & whanau to join us Monday October 14 at 9.30-3.00 pm in Paeroa (venue TBC).
This co-design process builds on mātauranga Māori concepts which encourages participants to work collaboratively to understand the lived experiences of whanau living with type 2 diabetes.
This wānanga is an opportunity for whanau and Health providers to understand barriers to wellness and identify challenges for our Paeroa whanau living with type 2 diabetes.
We will use pātaka as a metaphoric navigational tool to understand the global food chain’s effect on our environment, our social wellbeing, and the significant influence it has on our kai and health decision making.
Participants will leave this workshop better able to understand the complex landscape and: